Girl Scout Cookie Forms Download

100% or 5 or more girls participated in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. I proudly certify that Girl Scout Troop has met the above criteria and qualifies as a Girl Scouts of. Turn in this completed report form to your local Girl Scout Shop to purchase the patch. 2019 one tough cookie. Use our Cookie Finder, or download the app to find cookies on the go! Fill out our form below and we will pass your information along to a Girl Scout to contact. Help keep girls and volunteers safe by making sure your activity meets or exceeds. Guidelines for specific activities—including archery, hiking, and selling cookies! Before any Girl Scout activity, download and read the General Safety. Use this form and refer to Volunteer Essentials to plan and execute travel for trips of 2. Girl Scout Cookie Order Form. Girl Scout Cookie Order Form.pdf This form may be used by any Girl Scout Association in the United States as a tool for figuring out and tracking how many cookies sold and to whom.

  • Volunteer with Girl Scouts!

Girl Scout Cookie Forms Download

Gold Award Spotlight

Girl Scouts delivers the best leadership experience for girls, setting them up for a lifetime of success. Every year, thousands of inspiring future leaders are honored with the Girl Scout Gold Award, the most prestigious award in the world for girls, and the most difficult to earn. See how Gold Award Girl Scouts are taking action, creating change today for a better tomorrow.

Girl Scout Cookie Order Form

  • The Girl Scout Difference
    Girl Scouts offers the best leadership development experience for girls. The inclusive, all-female environment of a Girl Scout troop creates a safe space where girls can try new things and be themselves.

  • Report: Decoding the Digital Girl
    Learn how girls are using their digital experiences to improve their lives, their communities, and the world. This research report explores how girls—and Girl Scouts—exhibit leadership in the digital world.

Girl-Led, Girl-Tested, Girl-Approved

Girl Scouts is the place where girls can explore, discover, and just be themselves! From adventuring outdoors or experimenting with science to saving a park or developing new skills, Girl Scouting prepares girls for a lifetime of leadership.

Whether they are protecting our environment, lobbying the city council, or speaking up for the vulnerable, Girl Scouts always have unforgettable, inspiring stories to tell about how they make a difference in the world.

Girl Scout Cookie Order Forms

Raising Awesome Girls

Raising girls to be happy, healthy, and successful is simpler than ever with help from Girl Scouts.

Printable Girl Scout Order Form

See how Girl Scouts take the lead to change the world!