Python Download Zip File And Unzip

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to unzip a zip file with 2.4. extract() is not included in 2.4. I'm restricted to using 2.4.4 on my server.

Gzip – Read and write GNU zip files. $ python Entire file: Contents of the example file go here. Starting at position 5 for 10 bytes: nts of the True. This is useful when the data is being transmitted over a socket or from read an existing (already open) file handle. A StringIO buffer can also be used. Sep 04, 2013  Unzip in Python Script. Question asked by clay7528 on Feb 16, 2011 Latest reply on Sep 4, 2013 by KATKINSON. Like • Show 0 Likes 0; Comment • 10; I am trying to unzip a Zip file in a Windows directory. Does anyone know the commands to do this. Thanks in advance. The Zipfile library is too confusing for me. How do I download a zip file in python using urllib2? Ask Question 28. Download a zip file to a local drive and extract all files to a destination folder using python 2.5. Download a zip file to a local drive and extract all files to a destination folder using python 2.5. Fastest way to unzip a zip file in Python. And again, you can use just fine if you have the zip file on-disk, it's still lazy. Jfs 07 February 2018.

Python code example 'Extract all files from a ZIP file' for the package zipfile, powered by Kite. Start coding faster today. Download Kite Now! I'm having a hard time figuring out how to unzip a zip file with 2.4. Extract() is not included in 2.4. I'm restricted to using 2.4.4 on my server. Can someone please provide a simple code example? How to unzip a file with Python 2.4? Ask Question 30. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to unzip a zip file with 2.4. I need to unzip a.egg file used by python. File says it is a zip file, but I've tried a lot of different archive utilities and none have worked. I'm new to *nix though so it's probably me.

Can someone please provide a simple code example?


5 Answers

You have to use namelist() and extract(). Sample considering directories

Vinko VrsalovicVinko Vrsalovic

There's some problem with Vinko's answer (at least when I run it). I got:

Here's how to solve it:


Modifying Ovilia's answer so that you can specify the destination directory as well:


I am testing in Python 2.7.3rc2 and the the ZipFile.namelist() is not returning an entry with just the sub directory name for creating a sub directory, but only a list of file names with sub directory, as follows:

['20130923104558/control.json', '20130923104558/test.csv']

Python unzip file example

Thus the check

if fileName ':

does not evaluate to True at all.


Python Unzip File In Memory

So I modified the code to check if the dirName exists inside destDir and to create dirName if it does not exist. File is extracted only if fileName part is not empty. So this should take care of the condition where a directory name can appear in ZipFile.namelist()

Rajkumar SRajkumar S

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I'm new to Jupyter Notebooks. I'm hoping to automate an onerous task using a notebook built around an R code node. I need to unzip a zip file that the user would upload to the notebook, then process those files, and create some output files in a separate folder for the user to download.

When I unzip a test file in R and save the contents in a new folder I get a folder full of files with names in the form of NameOfZipFileMaybeASubfolderNameFromZipfileHereOriginalFileName.ext. I would think the slashes would be invalid characters for file names under most operating systems. When I click on the corresponding links in my notebook I get a 404/Not found error for each file. If I run the same R code under windows, as I expect, I get a folder of files with just the original file names and windows is able to find and open them.

Since the code works under windows, but not Jupyter I'm assuming there is some subtlety of manipulating the contents of the zip file in the Jupyter environment that I need to be aware of.

Python Download Zip File And Unzip Software

Please do let me know if anything here needs clarification or elaboration.

Python Script To Unzip Files
