What Is Secure Download Manager

  • When i use SDM (Secure Download Manager) i have problem with my computer. For example 'Start download' and than finishing 70-80% of download my computer hover and influence memory to 3.99 GB / 4.0GB and some time i can't work with my computer.
  • If you have been unable to automatically install the Microsoft Download Manager or you use Mozilla Firefox, you can manually install it. To manually install the Microsoft Download Manager, do the following: On the Microsoft Download Manager download Web page, click Download to start the download. Click Run to start the installation immediately.
  • Secure Download Manager is a program developed by e-academy. The most used version is 3.0.5, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version.
  • Apr 5, 2018 - Certain software titles available on Imagine are downloaded using the Secure Download Manager. If you click on the Download link and are.

Home > Manufactures> Kivuto Solutions Inc.> Secure Download Manager program

Clicking Open will launch the Secure Download Manager for the Download. The image below is an example of the Secure Download Manager window showing Download Location and order information. • Click Change Location (if necessary) to designate a specific location for your download. SanDisk Secure Access manager is a service that you may have the option to install when configuring Secure Access. The service runs in the background and when a USB drive is inserted with secure access it detects it and initiates autolaunch or the secure access program.

Instructions to Uninstall Secure Download Manager

Many computer users may have the same experience: failed to remove a stubborn program after it is installed without your intention. It is like a tricky virus breaking into your PC and taking root on your hard drive.

Download Instant Removal Tool

Tested Malware & Virus Free by McAfee

Secure Download Manager , a software developed by Kivuto Solutions Inc., often gets into your computer via Webpage browse or some freeware’s installation. To safely remove the program, the wrong way is to locate its folder, right-click it and select “Delete”, while quite a number of people are still doing this.

Haste makes waste. Every proper removal requires sequential steps. If you recklessly delete whatever you consider redundant, undesirable effects may show up one after another, such as:

  • Error message “The program was not properly or completely installed.”
  • The system is unable to activate the default uninstaller of the Secure Download Manager.
  • Some necessary files are missing or deleted.
  • One or more registry entries of the program are corrupted.
  • You are told that your computer may have been infected with virus, and the system can’t normally function.

Program Details

Secure Download Manager program is developed by the company named Kivuto Solutions Inc.. The official website of the developer is . Normally the program size is around 755 KB. The default installation directory of the program is . The default uninstaller of the program is MsiExec.exe /I{4A5667B2-5D13-46C2-85B5-9D46A6096F61} . Among all its users globally, 61.74% are from United States ,the program is also popular in the countries of Germany and United Kingdom. Users with the percentage of 61.74% run this program on the operating system of Windows 7.

Detailed information about Secure Download Manager program

  • Program Directory: C:Program Filesmicrosoft sql server110sdkassembliesen
  • Default Uninstaller: MsiExec.exe /I{4A5667B2-5D13-46C2-85B5-9D46A6096F61}
  • Program size: 755 KB

(“X” stands for the hard drive you install Secure Download Manager on.)

How to delete Secure Download Manager

You may not notice there would still be leftovers of Secure Download Manager, for example, some read-only files automatically kept by the system or its registry entries, staying right in your drive, even if you have gone through correct process via Control Panel or its default uninstaller.

It is required you to carefully remove related items in Registry Editor to accomplish the job, which is risky in some degree. Things could get worse if you mistakenly delete those needed by system running. To safely remove Secure Download Manager, we recommend this reliable third-party tool for your reference.

Easy steps to remove Secure Download Managerwith the removal tool:

  • Download it here and start the installation.
  • Run the removal tool, and select the Secure Download Manager program icon.
  • Click on Analyze button to conduct the regular removal.
  • Click on Scan leftover button, and click on Delete to clean out all files/folders/registry entires supposed to be gone.
  • Click on OK to finish the cleaning.

Uninstall Secure Download Manager with default uninstaller

Windows 7 Users

  • Click on Start at the bottom left of the screen
  • Select Control PanelUninstall a program link.
  • Search for Secure Download Manager in the list, right-click it and select Uninstall.
  • Follow the instruction to finish the removal.
  • Restart your computer.

Windows 8 Users

  • Hover the mouse pointer in the lower right corner to see Win8 side menu.
  • Go to Settings > Control Panel > Uninstall a program link.
  • The rest are the same as those on Windows 7.

Program removal video demonstration for Windows 8

If you encounter problems in the middle of the process, try to remove Secure Download Manager with our recommended uninstaller, click the below button start downloading.

Download Instant Removal Tool

Tested Malware & Virus Free by McAfee

Additional Information of the Tool

It is widely used in the following countries:
  1. United States
  2. 50.85%
  1. Germany
  2. 9.58%
  1. United Kingdom
  2. 3.25%
  1. Canada
  2. 3.13%
  1. Brazil
  2. 2.76%
  1. France
  2. 2.64%
  1. Netherlands
  2. 2.03%
  1. Poland
  2. 1.75%
  1. Italy
  2. 1.70%
  1. Spain
  2. 1.42%
  1. Sweden
  2. 1.26%
  1. Australia
  2. 1.22%
  1. Belgium
  2. 0.97%
  1. Portugal
  2. 0.97%

Don’t forget Secure Download Manager’s leftovers

Again, like I mentioned previously, after Secure Download Manager is successfully kicked out of your computer, you still get to manually get rid of the idle leftovers including registry entries, cache files, and temporary files, etc.

It is not that easy to precisely track down those little “pieces” since they may not be named with “Secure Download Manager” prefix. Sometimes you need to acquire the name of relevant verified publisher first to locate the keys in Registry Editor. It is better not to go there unless you are 100% sure you have targeted the right things, because they will not return once being eliminated.

Solution: Try this well-designed uninstaller to remove Secure Download Manager once and for all, with which there will be no need to worry about the current or future invasion of any PUP (Potential Unwanted Program). You PC performance can be greatly optimized through cleaning either hard drives or the Registry. Click the button below to download the tool:

Download Instant Removal Tool

Tested Malware & Virus Free by McAfee

Still having problems with uninstalling Secure Download Manager?

Due to different PC environments, the program removal may end up with different consequences, if you had tried out the above provided solutions and is still unable to completely uninstall Secure Download Manager, please leave your message as comment below, and we will try our best to help you out.

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The complicated gaming application often leave many files and data with cannot be removed successfully, these tutorials is the best present for me to figure it out. And now I don’t need to worry about removing the game on PC

- Mary

many other uninstall program cannot dealt with the program removal which is not installed properly on the computer (also cannot find it on the list of Windows uninstall program utility), this program just can fulfill this requirement and easily remove the application which has the problem with the installation.

- Jerome

The uninstall tool is working smoothly in my two computers with different Windows operating system, and people no need to worry about it will cause some program conflict problems on the PC.

- Mark

Thanks god, I finally clean one antivirus program completely after referring your advice. Good job!

- Marcus

I would like to download Windows 8 disk images, but the files I have for the download are SDM.pkg and 100189659562.sdx. How can I open these files on my computer running Ubuntu?

Thomas Ward
iair linkeriair linker

5 Answers

I downloaded a cost-free VirtualBox Windows XP VM from Microsoft's VM resource for web developers (modern.ie), and used the SDM inside of the VM to download the images into a VirtualBox 'Shared Folder' on the host system. (Wine didn't work for me (tried Bernd's way, Ubuntu 13.10).)

Florian SesserFlorian Sesser

I had the same problem and finally after a few weeks of reverse engineering wrote a program that is able to unpack an SDC file. You can find step-by-step instruction on my page right here:

About a month or so ago I had an urgent need to download a copy of Microsoft Windows from Dreamspark. Unfortunately I haven’t Windows installed then so had to do this using Linux. After successful transaction I was given a link to SDX file and program called SDM. It looked that it would be easy. But it wasn’t. Program that I was encouraged to download was archive with .pkg extension. As I discovered few minutes later it was OS X application package. So the next step was to try to download Windows version and try to execute it with help of Wine. It failed. Then I tried to find some tips on the Net. I found a few other people having the same problem. Some of them could download using Wine and some not. For me there was only one solution: do it myself. As you probably guessed that way was a (almost) full success.

If you already have SDC file please do not skip since you probably still don’t have a key needed to unpack the file. The first step is to open SDX file in your favorite text editor. You will see a link. Open it in a web browser. Now you need to get to page source. The way it can be done depends on your web browser. Now we need to find few strange values in the code. The easiest way to achieve this is to search for keyword ‘edv*’ where * is the number of file you want to download counting from 1 (they are on ‘Items’ list on page you opened). Now you need to copy somewhere values of the following variables: ‘oiopu*’, ‘oiop*’, ‘fileID*’ (-see above). The last one we need is ‘dlSelect’ but for that one you need to search cause it is in a different place. Now you can build URL that will let you to file containing two interesting values: file URL and decryption string. This URL’s format is:

Now you should see XML file that looks similar to this:

The last step here will be downloading file from fileUrl and saving edv value in file. The important thing is that the file with a key should be named exactly as SDC file with addition of ‘.key’ suffix.

I’ve just discovered that things are getting a bit different when the file size exceeds 2.0 GB. In that case Dreamspark is splitting file in two or more files. That situation could be easily recognized, because sdc file name’s suffix is: ‘.01.sdc’. In that case you need to try to download file which URL differs by only that one digit, ie. ‘.01.sdc’, ‘.02.sdc’, ‘.03.sdc’. When you encounter last file it should have smaller size than the rest and incrementing that number by one should give you BlobNotFound error.

After downloading all the files they just need to be joined into one. It can be easily achieved with dd, ie.

and then optionally

After that you will get sdc file prepared to unpack.

Now since you have SDC file you can start unpacking it. The previous part was, at least for me, very easy. The problem started when I tried to discover how the file is stored in that container. But don’t worry, I’ve written simple program to do it for you. As of now (1st June) it is still in really early alpha stage and have lot of constraints. It is able to unpack containers that contains only one file packed, doesn’t create any directories, cannot verify file’s checksum and probably few other problems I don’t remember or don’t know about.

If you were searching a bit in the Internet, you probably found out that someone cracked that container in the past. Unfortunately Microsoft changed format since then. It is also possible that in response to this article it will be changed again. To make it a bit harder for them to block my software I’m publishing source code on github and after the process of reverse engineering is finished will write second article describing how things works under the hood and describe sdc file format.

But let’s get back to unpacking. Now you need to download xSDM from github. The newest version can be downloaded by typing

in your terminal (of course you need to have git installed). Nevertheless I advice you to download newest tagged release. You can do this by clicking on releases on project page and then choosing the one on the top (or first beta/stable if any) and clicking on “tar.gz”. tar.gz can be unpacked by typing

into console. Then get into xSDM directory by typing

(or your release directory) and compile the program by standard

where installation is optional. Now to unpack your file you just need to type

And that’s it, you should now be able to open file you downloaded. As mentioned above the program is in very early alpha so I cannot guarantee that it will work in any case. If you will encounter any problems feel free to open issue on project page at github.

Install Device Software

SDC unpacker can be downloaded from github.


The '.pkg' is an extension for the installer files that are usually used to install a software program, and they are mostly used for installing applications in Mac OS X. These files may be installed individually or they can as well be referenced using an installer script which is part of the software.1

The .pkg file you've mentioned is the installer for the Secure Download Manager ('SDM'). That program does not operate under Ubuntu, and requires the use of a Mac operating system to make it work. It can only be opened on Mac as it does not correctly extract or install under Ubuntu. 2

So you will first need the MSI installer to get the needed packages. To get this on a Ubuntu machine, you likely will need to change your user agent to that of a Windows machine so it gives you the link to download the MSI package. This can be done in many browsers via a extension - e.g. for Firefox. You can then set it to the Windows equivalent of your browser, download the MSI and SDX files, and disable the extension if you wish

Now you can use WINE to allow you to run this Window-only file. WINE is a software package that allows some windows applications to run on Linux. To install, just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command(s) below:

Make sure that you use IE6 as the browser in WINE — the SDM just works with this and not with IE9. So, that' why you need to get the winetricks package

Then, setup wine.

Now, install the SDM.

Click through the installer. Change the install directory to C:SDM or something similar

Now you need to get the .sdx file. Save it. The file is named something like 100001234.sdx.

Now, to put it all together:

Remember to change the name of the sdx file and the path to the executable, if necessary.


2 Source: Thomas W's answer

Source:Threads of Science


I just found Linux-SDM-Downloader from GitHub

It downloads the SDC files fine.

However, it cannot extract the key files anymore.

I think it's worth a try, though :-)

This program is to be followed and who knows, some day the key extraction will work.


Microsoft Internet Security Software

My currently working easiest solution with newer SDM.msi and SDX files:

Tom SiwikTom Siwik

Microsoft Imagine Secure Download Manager

protected by CommunityMar 16 '15 at 16:40

What Is Secure Download Manager

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